About the Port Townsend Carousel Association Photo above shows the Carousel of the Olympic Sea operating in 1994 at the Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival. As the carousel was completed by various classes at the Port Townsend High School, the P.T.C.A. exhibited it at the festivals in 1994-95-97-98-99. In 2000 the P.T.C.A. operated the Sausalito Carousel, a sister carousel to the Carousel of the Olympic Sea, in Port Townsend's Pope Marine Park. The Port Townsend Carousel Association (established in 1984) is a Washington State* and Federal** non-profit corporation dedicated to carousel history and the appreciation, construction and operation of carousels made in Port Townsend WA. The local carousel we created is called "The Carousel of the Olympic Sea". Its construction has been a broad ranged school project under close supervision guidance from William H. Dentzel involving all grades of the Port Townsend Public Schools. The P.T.C.A.'s relationship with the school district came about over a period of years with classroom programs beginning in October of 1991. All funding for the Carousel of the Olympic Sea has been by private donation. Many hundreds of volunteer hours have been contributed as well as in-kind donations of materials. Bill Dentzel *Washington
State since 1984,
UBI #601386635 **U.S.
501(c)(3) since 1986, EIN 91-1303429 |
Projects Completed:
Carousel of the Olympic Sea Homepage
William H.
Dentzel, President
843 53rd Street, Port Townsend WA 98368
bilito@gmail.com 360-531-2812
Typical Carousel Pavilion
Site last up-dated March 11,2017