1/4 Scale Model Photos and Carousel Lexicon
Carousel of the Olympic Sea, 20 foot diameter, 10 rider carousel, 12 feet tall. This carousel model is five feet in diameter and three feet tall, it has working scale replicas of all the actual parts. Link here to YouTube video of model in operation. Actual carousel is in storage.
1/4"=1" 1"=4" 12" (1')=4' 5'=20'
Carousel Lexicon
Centerpole, main load bearing vertical pole in middle of carousel.
Crown Bearing, at the top of the centerpole, this part holds all of the rotating weight of the carousel.
Guy Rods, long steel rods connecting the crown bearing to the shield brackets. These carry the weight of the carousel.
Lower Scenic Panels, stationary panels in the center of the carousel which cover the lower portion of the centerpole.
Ring Bearing Hub assembly, below the crown bearing, holds together the rotating sweeps (like big spokes) that the animals hang from.
Rounding Boards, long vertical scenic panels overhead connecting the ends of the sweeps.
Shields, small decorative panels attached to the shield brackets covering the ends of the sweeps.
Shield Brackets, steel sockets with tabs to connect sweeps, guy rods, and rounding boards.
Sweeps, Long spokelike beams radiating out from the ring bearing, animals hang from these.
Upper Scenic Panels, rotating panels which are attached to the sweeps above the lower scenic panels.
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Page last up-dated June 12, 2007