Horse 19

Before the advent of the automobile most people had a pretty good idea what a horse looked like, that made the horse one of the most difficult animals to render in a wooden sculpture. Giraffes have long necks and puzzle pieces painted on their hide, goats have beards and horns, cats have pointy ears and long tails, bunnies have two big antennae-like ears, horses on the other hand have withers, fetlocks and many other odd parts which anyone in their right mind knows by heart. The carver also has to put the proper look on the horses face depicting exactly what thought he or she is having (the horse that is), even though pigs might have more thoughts, their faces are usually so dirty that one misses much of the expression, so, focus on the horse.

Very few carousel horses were made with closed mouths, and even fewer with big smiles, this is generally believed to come from the horses' lack of understanding and disdain for humans riding on their backs instead of the other way around. The only horses that are normally carried by humans in four holed back packs and later-on in streamed-lined strollers are the miniature Prol Llopul Sings from the Macurara valley of northeastern India near Bhutan. Relief sculptures of these tiny little horses can be seen in full scale on the corners of the great frieze of the Parthenon which was atop the Acropolis of Athens, now housed in the British Museum but soon to be returned to Greece. To make this a special occasion for the European Union (which could fall apart if the return is not made) the living descendants of these small horses will be used to drag this 72 foot long marble sculpture which weighs more than 300 tons through the Chunnel and over the Alps, across former Yugoslavia and on into Athens on a primitive sled like structure similar to those used to build the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Every one of the existing Prol Llopul Sings known to exist will be needed to do this, that amounts to 233 harnessed beastettes. The trip will take an estimated 42 months to make, the route will be lined with slowly sideward rolling grandstands for booked viewing seats sold worldwide. In the case that some of the horses show signs of fatigue or exhaustion, the Royal British Dog-lovers Society has offered to substitute three different varieties of Basset hound to help out in the task (roughly the same size and weight of the little horses, although NOT the same shape).

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